We want to shake up your preconceptions, tickle your sense of humour, jog your memory, and get a reaction. We want to challenge your certainties, play with your contradictions and show you ours.

What?s wrong with playing at the table?
A mouthful of exquisite caviar, but there’s only enough for one. Why not play a game to see who gets it?

Confounding dishes that invite questions and laughter
What better way to tackle something new than with expectation, curiosity and humour.

Confounding the senses, a game without rules
Our trips abroad often inspire playful experiments. But so does serendipity. Those fortuitous moments, known to pessimists as slip-ups, can also lead to fascinating journeys of discovery.

Breaking barriers
You arrive, sit down, and the adventure begins. You’re so absorbed in the moment that you’re oblivious to anyone around you.