Chance can be a method, injecting creativity into the daily routine, driving us toward excellence. It was by chance that Mugaritz crossed paths with scientists, philosophers and artists who have enhanced our knowledge, inspired new questions and showed us how to manage chance.

Emotions without alcohol
Through the complexity of fermentations we seek new flavours, textures and perceptions

Kombucha: an obsession
In 2013, our obsession with kombucha began. This is a sugary tea that ferments thanks to a set of bacteria and yeasts that, through a symbiotic relationship, gradually generate a cellulose known as scoby (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast).

Music and gastronomy at the service of technology
Sharing moments and learnings with inspiring and disconcerting people, is probably our greatest fortune. People of enormous talent, but above all of great human value, have helped us in these more than twenty years, to greatly expand a special way of inhabiting gastronomy, by demonstrating that the position of a particle will never be as interesting as the movement that it is capable of generating.

Exploring the limits of kombucha scoby
A multidisciplinary research together with Basque Culinary Center and the University of Barcelona

Mugaritz participates in the publication "Aux Amazones" by the French artist Prune Nourry
An artistic journey that expresses the struggle of those suffering from serious illnesses and, in particular, what it means to come back to life.

Creative synergies
Diálogos de Cocina (Kitchen Dialogues) is a biennial international conference which fosters the cross-disciplinary sharing of knowledge and expertise. Back in 2007, when it was held for the first time, this kind of communication was extremely rare in the food world.

Airy exuberance
Están presentes en nuestro día a día, pero el comportamiento de las pompas encierra misterios sin resolver que acaparan la atención de muchos científicos. En Mugaritz las consideramos la mejor metáfora de la vanidad y nos apasionan por su levedad.

Standing on the shoulders of giants
Back in 2002, when we still had many more questions than answers, Raimundo García del Moral, Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Granada, invited us into his laboratory to show us how the liver works.

Equipment more suited to a laboratory than a kitchen
Pipettes and test tubes jostling with pots and pans, paving the way to precision and perfection.

Another foray into scientific research
At Mugaritz almost everything starts with a question – partnerships included.

Savour foreign cuisine at home
Enhancing traditional dishes with new techniques and ingredients