Questioning. Serving fine food that doesn’t taste nice. Flirting with transgression to raise questions.

Fermenting obsession: transforming through penicillium
Fermenting is, above all, transforming: daring to provoke and decontextualise references of all kinds, through a technique that, although ancestral (and hence its immeasurable richness), reaches unsuspected dimensions when practised in a controlled way in Research and Development (R&D) explorations.

Mistakes and failures ? an important part of the creative process
Confronting and learning from our mistakes. And sharing our lessons with others.

Resurgence from the flames
Destruction brings change, setting you free to cast off the old and build something new.

Savouring history, languages and characters
You arrive at the theatre and look for a place among the crowd. You finally manage to sit at a table. On your plate lie the crunchy tattooed remains of a Roman warrior from the time of Emperor Tito – conveniently murdered and cooked up for the occasion.

From selecting accessories to going bare (an act of faith)
Luxury as ostentation or understated and discreet?