Foie gras
16 €
The book reproduces an original by French Jacques Saint Germain, the pseudonym of a talented unknown gourmet writer. Its complete title is revealing: 'Foie gras, followed by the art of serving and preparing it, published in Paris at the expense of the Company of the Gastronome Bibliophiles'.
The result is an excellent thriller, an entertaining story about the history of the foie gras and its protagonists. A few practical preparation and service advices describe principles such as the consistency, the appearance, the weight, the origin or the denervation of the liver, and answer some old basic questions about its presentation.
The recipes suggest a foie gras brioche, financial-style foie gras, foie gras soufflé, foie gras escalopes, foie gras au naturel, foie gras crepinettes or duck foie gras with grapes. All of them are old recipes which have been appropriately adapted and interpreted by Andoni Luis Aduriz.
The modern design, the daring arrangement of the texts, the beautiful original pen or water-colour drawings of Alfredo Álvarez Plágaro artist: everything delights and turns this work into something we could call a "book-object". Reading it is a pleasure.